About Us

Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles and Christian Ethos

As a Uniting Church of Australia school, Ravenswood’s ethos and values are built upon Christian foundations and our Guiding Principles of Excellence, Respect, Optimism, Courage and Compassion.

The School draws on essential elements from the Christian tradition, such as faith, love, hope and grace. In tandem, the Guiding Principles are collectively embraced and consistently applied in all that we do as individuals, and as a school.

Our Christian faith and commitment to gospel values, together with our guiding principles, define our strengths and guide our day-to–day behaviours as a school community.

We recognise the pathway to personal excellence is pathed of grit.

We value excellence and the fulfilment of our potential within and beyond the classroom – in study and play, individually and in teams, at school and in our community, and in local, national and international contexts. We recognise the pathway to personal excellence is paved of grit.

We are fair-minded in our thinking and actions and foster acceptance, tolerance and understanding. We acknowledge and celebrate diversity, because we respect ourselves, others and the world around us.

We are purposeful and positive in our outlook on life, believing in and understanding our unique capabilities as individuals and as a country to make a difference to contribute to humanity – to craft our own destiny. Our motto is semper ad meliora – always towards better things.

We have courage of conviction, and confidence to ask the hard questions, be enquiring of the world and advocate and act independently with resilience in the face of adversity.

We are other-person-centred – giving of our time and energy, our emotions and friendships – and we foster caring, thoughtful relationships.