Why Ravenswood
Add to FavouritesFortnightly Newsletter
Parents of current students are sent Ravenswood's Newsletter every fortnight by email. The Newsletter is published on even weeks during term time, except the last week of the school year.
Past editions of the Newsletter can also be accessed on the Parent RAVOConnect and the Ravenswood app with a password. (Contact helpdesk@ravenswood.nsw.edu.au if you are having trouble getting access).
To request access to the weekly Ravenswood Newsletter, please complete the following form.
Nuntius is handed out to all students K-12 who were in Prep to Year 111 the year prior. Year 12 are posted their Nuntius.
Ravenswood’s magazine is published bi-annually and is distributed to the current, past and future community.
Read the latest Semper (Issue 65)
View Prospectus OnlineDownload Prospectus (pdf)
Annual Report
Strategic Plan
Parent and Student Portals
Parents and students are provided with a personal log-in to access school information and documents.
Student Diary
Every student is issued with a Student Diary at the beginning of the school year.
The Student Diary is a tool to help plan and organise school work. Homework and assessment tasks should be noted in the diary on a daily basis. The diary is also a means of communication between teachers and parents; parents can write notes/comments to a specific teacher in the diary.
Key school information is included in the Student Diary, for example contact information and hours of operation, term dates, bell times, wet weather
sports contact numbers, the recommended time to be spent on homework, the school rules and policies.
Ravenswood Skoolbag App
The App is a fantastic optional method of communication, providing quick and easy access to the School Calendar, weekly Newsletter, Absentee Line,
Contact information, Wet Weather contacts, Cadet Friday Leave Form, Mabel’s Café, Sport fixtures and venues, Performing Arts information, Term
Dates, the Connect Portal, Ravenswood Uniform Centre, Enrolments, Online Payments, Policies, and Ravenswood’s Facebook page, as well as any
alert messages.
For more information on installing and using the Skoolbag App, please click here.